Designer | Actor | Artist

Yale School of Art Web Redesign



I was frustrated when I first came across the current Yale School of Art website which is being used as a Wiki page. There is no hierarchy of scale nor is there consistency or thoughtful use of an elegant and captivating design approach. I set out to create the UI of what the Yale School of Art website could look like. I created a mark (above) which is representative of an abstract origami shape. I deconstructed the “Y” in “Yale” to create this shape and was inspired by the following origami.

Origami Inspiration for Design Mark

Origami Inspiration for Design Mark

Logotype + Mark

Logotype + Mark

The typeface used for the logotype was Red Hat Display. I selected Red Hat Display because it’s one of the sans-serif typefaces that feels inclusive and welcoming which is the message I wanted to portray across the Yale School of Art website.



This is the main color palette I used for the UI design of the website.

UI of Website

UI of Website

This is the UI of the Yale School of Art Website I created. The design mark highlighted above can be used inversely with a lighter blue fill on a white background. I redesigned the website to not only look more convincing, but also to better engage and inform perspective students what they can accomplish at Yale School of Art.